

I’m most happy when I’m involved in music in many different ways. I love playing live, playing on other people’s records, producing, and remotely mixing records that people send me from all over the world at my mixing room at home. I live in Medford Massachusetts with my wife, and daughter. I was born and grew up in the Boston area, the youngest of six kids. I started playing the piano when I was 7 years old and hated it until I was 9 when my mother gave me an offer to quit if I tried the Jazz teacher down the street. From lesson one I was hooked on the concept of improvisation and using music as a form of real expression and communication. I latched on hard and throughout my childhood soaked up any musical opportunity I could get my hands on, studying at the New England Conservatory on Saturdays and being a member of many-a-poorly named high school band. 

I attended New York University for Jazz performance and, through some friends, met folk superhero Josh Ritter. The timing couldn’t have been more lucky for me to hit the road touring with Josh just as I was graduating. This was the beginning of what would become a long term creative and personal relationship with Josh and his entire band, and crew, one that still is a big part of my musical life.

After touring for a few years with Josh and some other artists, I fell into producing music mostly out of curiosity and some encouragement from one of my producer heros, Brian Deck. I recorded some instrumental music on an Mbox while abusing every friend I had for audio knowledge. One thing led to another and I started making records. In 2006 I bought an old farmhouse in southern Maine that I intended to use as a music rehearsal, writing, hang spot. But, things escalated rather quickly and before I knew it, it turned into a recording studio, The Great North Sound Society, where I still make most of the records I work on today.

Boston Globe Feature